Student Wellbeing

Wellbeing refers to students’ cognitive, physical, social, spiritual and emotional development. These elements are integral to learning. A supportive positive learning environment contributes to the development of a students’ sense of self worth, enthusiasm for learning and optimism for the future.

At St. Vincent de Paul, we hold the wellbeing of our students at the centre of all we do. Our staff endeavour to foster and support the development of the whole child, spiritually, socially, emotionally, academically and physically. We value the importance of a safe and nurturing school culture and provide an environment where children feel supported and connected to their community. Staff understand the importance of strong partnerships between students, their families and our school community and provide regular opportunities for all stakeholders to be a part of student learning.

Student Wellbeing Leader – Rebecca Glenton

School Rules 

  • Follow directions given by teacher
  • Listen to those who are speaking
  • Speak appropriately and use your manners
  • No put downs
  • No yelling
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
  • Move safely at all times
  • Treat property with care
  • Treat others the way you would like to be treated
  • Demonstrate respect, resilience, risk taking, communication, self-discipline, problem solving and getting along skills

Circle Time

A Circle Time framework is implemented during Wellbeing sessions to address areas of student wellbeing, ensuring the explicit teaching of social and emotional learning skills and learning dispositions. During Circle Time sessions, students have also been introduced to the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program which aims to assist them in managing their emotions and behaviours.

Learning Dispositions

Our school learning dispositions encourage the students to develop a deeper awareness and understanding of a range of dispositions that they can incorporate into their daily learning and lives. These focus on resilience, communication, risk-taking, self-discipline, problem-solving and respect.



Buddy Program

St. Vincent’s students are involved in the Buddy Program which strengthens positive relationships between junior and senior students. It provides learning opportunities for senior students to develop their leadership skills through shared learning experiences with their buddies. It also provides our junior students with the support and guidance of a role model in their senior buddy. Our year sixes pride themselves on the role in which they play in guiding and supporting their prep buddy through their first year of primary school, modelling the leadership and behaviours expected of our students at St Vincent’s.

Passive Play

Our Passive Play areas in both the senior and junior yards were implemented to support students outside during recess and lunch. These spaces aim to provide students with an area they feel is a safe and quiet place to play in during breaks. Resources such as board games, cards, bean bags and picture story books are provided in these areas for students to access as a means of playing in a calm way.